Saturday 10 October 2009

Picture Activities

Asking students to make up dialogues is always a great way to use the language you have exploited. I showed my 3 afternoon class students the example below that I had created from MakeBeliefsComix and then got them to create their own above. It took a few moments only and they told me it was a lot of fun.

Speechable is another great site for adding captions to your photos. The photo below was used to great effect as a warmer and to present and practise new language. The personal element makes it a little bit more interesting. This simple photo has a lot of vocabulary in it and is good for discussion.
Listen to some questions that I asked about this picture. Voki is a great little tool that can easily be embedded in your blog or other sites.

The photo below also from Speechable shows you how you can get your students to invent short dialogues between famous people. The pictures could be related to topics of the day.

I have just created another speechable about President Obama's Nobel Peace Prize.

I decided to carry on trying to fix an initial problem I had with this particular link above and my perseverance has paid off!!

Read the English Blog's explanation of a cartoon relating to the same Obama Peace Prize theme.


Alex Francisco said...

Hi Janet.
Great post. I'll be sure to get my students to try these out. For cartoon creation we usually work with Toondoo. But I like what you did we these tools too. Again it's down to choices huh? :) So many tools to try and not enough time to do it. But since these are really cool, I think I'll just leave it up to my students and let them choose which one they want to work with. Thanks for sharing!

Janet Bianchini said...

Hi Alex

Thanks for your comment. I'm sure your students will love experimenting with the Comix and the speechable site.

I had a problem embedding my Obama "Nobel Prize" speechable. I am not a tecchie at all so when things like that go wrong, I have a try but then give up. My 2 attempts can be seen in the Gallery on the speechable site.

Janet Bianchini said...

As mentioned in the post, I have fixed the embedding problem I had. I am not sure how I did it. A bit of fiddling involved.


Hi ya, this looks like great fun - I can imagine using this activity to ask students to find pictures of great Business Leaders to give them "advice".


admin said...

Dear Janet,
Great picture activities! I loved speechable, I didn't know about it and voki is a favourite of mine, I would love to record my voice longer though =) I can ask you to write for my "Faves of the Week " series anytime =)
Thank you for the links!!

Jade said...

the pictures are funny and enjoyable maybe i should put cartoon anmations in my blog. just have to make the time for them.

popps said...

hooray, you're back!

Janet Bianchini said...

Thank you to everyone for your nice comments.

I am really glad to be back on my own blog. It's a great feeling of relief. :)

jess said...

Hey Thanks For the comment on my blog!
I don't like climate change!
Theres a poll survey thing on my blog please do it i wanna find out what people think

Sputnik said...

Excellent tips Janet - thanks for the ideas.