Recently I have been very impressed with a PBWiki works wiki created with MA students by Evelyn Izquierdo from the Universidad Central de Venezuela. I was invited to look at the ICT in TEFL 2011 wiki and I was blown away by the whole layout and the notion of being able to freely view work carried out by students and tutors doing a course based on Web 2.0 tools. This wiki is a great example of what can be achieved in a relatively short time and it is a vertitable treasure trove of resources and ideas. Well done to everyone involved in the project!!
To quote from one of the many comments written on the front page:
"This wiki is a great reference for those EFL-ESL teachers interested in exploring different tools to provide easy access to course content, collect and assess students’ work".
Sharing is Caring
This post by English Virtual Community refers to sharing. I have just come across it via onestopblogs and it is called "Hey, teachers! Use Web 2.0 tools."
Carla Arena's post on Three Powerful Mantras for Tired Teachers is very motivational. Sharing is at the heart of what she does as an educator.
Sharing Leads to Fulfillment
From a personal perspective, since I have been slowly but surely sharing new things that I have learned since 2008 via this blog, I have felt more fulfilled than ever before. I have shared freely in the hope that someone somewhere might be inspired, or might use something I have written or published in a beneficial way to aid in teaching. In the grand scheme of things, it's just a very tiny thing. All it has cost me is my time and some effort. What it has given me, however, is absolutely priceless!!