Which of the following statements apply to your style of teaching? Please DO post a comment if you wish to say what you think :-)
- I usually act a word for the students to guess the meaning
- I'm a budding theatrical diva/divo
- I'm an aspiring poet and I encourage my students to create their own poems
- I always wanted to be a comedian or comedienne so teaching is a nice alternative
- I am always cracking jokes in class
- I usually enter my classroom with a theatrical flourish
- I am prone to using wild gesticulations to emphasize a point
- I often change the tone of my voice to accentuate a particular point
- I sometimes throw in random quotes to grab my students' attention
- I sometimes feign anger when students don't hand in their homework
- I often act out dialogues as examples for my students
- I encourage my students to do role play at every given opportunity
- I love watching Youtube clips of me and my lessons
- I give Oscar-worthy performances when I feel like it
- I can act happy and teach when I am miserable inside
- The show must always go on - that is my personal motto
Probably everyone has a little bit of an acting side in them if it is nurtured properly.
TEACH with passion.
PERFORM with passion.
Teach + perform = PERFECT lesson?

Great post, dear Janet. OK, here's what I identify with most strongly:
I'm an aspiring poet and I encourage my students to create their own poems
I always wanted to be a comedienne so teaching is a nice alternative
I am always cracking jokes in class
I usually enter my classroom with a theatrical flourish
I am prone to using wild gesticulations to emphasize a point
I often change the tone of my voice to accentuate a particular point
I sometimes throw in random quotes to grab my students' attention
I can act happy and teach when I am miserable inside
The show must always go on - that is my personal motto
What's funny is that I am actually very shy and introverted in my everyday life.
Dear Natasa
Thanks so much for adding your input to this post! You have chosen some great statements.
I wish I could crack more jokes in class, as I think that is a really unique and useful skill to have. Laughter binds people together and creates a relaxed atmosphere.
I never throw random quotes during my lessons but maybe I should make a point of writing some down before a lesson, and then incorporate some and see the reaction....hmmm, I must act on this soon!! Introducing random quotes would make an excellent lesson filler.
I think I can identify most strongly with the last 2 out of the nine you have chosen.
I would love to be a student in your class as they must be such great fun!!
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