Wednesday 3 February 2010

Read all about it! 15th EFL/ESL/ELL Blog Carnival

The 15th edition of the EFL/ESL/ELL Blog Carnival has just been published by the amazing Shelly Terrel from Teacher Reboot Camp and it is a very comprehensive and fascinating read. There is a wealth of input and Shelly has organised all the entries very well. My blog is also included in the Technology section! I would like to say a personal thank you to Shelly for giving me the encouragement and opportunity to participate in this wonderful carnival.

Among the excellent posts included in the blog carnival, and there are too many to mention them all, I particularly liked the following.
It's the Small Things that Count by David Deubelbeiss. The post gives some great pointers on how to conduct a class effectively and highlights some of the small details of day to day teaching that in fact are so important in the bigger picture.
Powerpointing Me by Karenne Sylvester on her Kalinago English Blog. I found this post useful because it shows what can be done with PowerPoint Presentations. Allowing students to create their own presentations to teach grammar points is a great technique and one which is very rewarding for the students.
2010-The Year of the Personal Learning Network? by Graham Stanley on Blog EFL, caught my eye. PLN is an acronym I didn't really know about until last year so it's interesting to read Graham's thoughts on what lies in the future for these 3 very powerful letters.
You will have to go over to Teacher Reboot Camp now to read all these articles in addition to the other fantastic ones in the carnival. I am sure you will enjoy them!

The 30 Goals Challenge
Shelly Terrell has recently run a brilliant series of challenges on her blog called "The 30 Goals Challenge". A free e-book is now available and you can share it with other teachers in your PLN or embed it in your blog as a reference for what can be achieved if you really put your mind to it. I have found this series to be very inspiring and have already set myself some goals which I hope to achieve in 2010.

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Natasa said...

Wow, a great post. I got so busy with EVO and homework that I didn't even notice there was going to be a blog carnival. Shelly did a great job and there are enough links in her blog to keep me busy for a week.
Thanks for letting me know about Shelly's ebook. I'll go and download it.

Janet Bianchini said...

Thank you so much, Natasa!
Shelly's e-book is great and contains all the 30-day goals she set up. It's a great motivational resource book as well.