I was able to attend the ELTChat Symposium yesterday in parts. I was a little bit disappointed that there was no live streaming of the event, due to a technical hitch, but the lively ripartee amongst the virtual attendees in the Chat Box, more than made up for the lack of seeing it happening live. I was very grateful to all the people who were actually present at the Symposium who were tweeting step by step what was being said. By all accounts, the event was a fabulous success and the ELTChat moderators did a fantastc job of discussing all the topics.

One of the highlights out of many from Glasgow 2012 was the Pecha Kucha event last night. It was a fantastic event hosted by Jeremy Harmer, who was brlliant at organising all the slides and introducing the PK presenters. The people doing the PK all did brilliantly, as it's a very nerve-wracking thing to do. Below is a screenshot of all the presenters at the end on the stage together.

Vicki Hollett talks about living in America and gives a fascinating insight into the different culture there.
Willy Cardoso talks about Teaching at the Edge of Chaos, an excellent talk! You can see Willy below in the screenshot as he is getting ready to perform.

Watch live streaming video from iateflonline at livestream.com
Pecha Kucha Part 2
John Stenter talks about Alcoholinguistics, a new branch of linguistics for alcohol related language. For example, there is EAP - English for Alcoholic Purposes! Below you can see a screenshot of this very amusing branch of linguistics!!

Helena Gomm the editor of English Teaching Professional on the difficulties of being an editor, called "Don't shoot the editor!" It was very interesting to see how some topics can't be included in various coursebook markets around the world.
Herbert Puchta, author and former IATEFL President talks about The Real Secret of Teaching Teens Successfully and it's a very entertaining talk ndeed..
Watch live streaming video from iateflonline at livestream.com
Below you can see the full ToonDo cartoon that I have created especially for this blog post on IATEFL Glasgow.

Below is a widget of the library of recorded videos for you to enjoy!
Watch live streaming video from iateflonline at livestream.com
IATEFL Glasgow has been a rollercoaster ride from beginning to end and today is the final day. Thanks to everyone who has made it possible for me to keep up with events, even though I am thousands of miles away. The Glasgow Online team have worked round the clock to ensure that the conference was a huge success. Well done to everyone on the team.
Also many thanks to all the tweeters who worked very hard for our benefit!! Also thanks are due to the Glasgow Online Registered Bloggers site with so many fantastic feedback posts. Fab work everybody!!!
I would lke to add Sandy Millin's presentation notes on "Go online - getting your students to use Internet resources. Sandy has included her Powerpoint slides with audio via Brainshark, and her very thorough presentation notes. This is a very detailed acount of the results of the action research that she carried out especially for the presentation, and provides an excellent resource for teachers! Thanks Sandy.
I have just come across this great feedback post on Mike Harrison's IATEFL presentation by Laura (@lauraahah). It's a must read post!! It is called No Words: Using Sound and Images in Class. Thanks Laura!