Gorgeous Samantha in her new homeThe mother cat was lying lifeless in the middle of the road. The tiny kitten was trying deperately to cross the busy road to get to its mother. Car after car narrowly avoided running her over. A car pulled up. Valentina got out quickly and assessed the frightening situation. She had to rescue this little kitten immediately, come what may. Without hesitating, she grabbed the little bundle of fur and put it into her car and drove her off to safety.
Curious SamanthaA few days after this dramatic rescue, K asked me to view an Internet ad regarding rehousing a little kitten. It had been found abandoned in the middle of a busy road and taken to a rescue home. Now this kitten needed a permanent abode. I read the pitiful story, took one look at the photos and said "Let's ring the number right now!"
Picture of Samantha in her new gardenValentina answered her mobile. I said "I'm ringing about the little kitten you found abandoned. Could we please see her?" Valentina agreed to meet us in Catignano and then come to our house to check that we had a suitable place to take care of the kitten.
It was love at first sight. How anyone could abandon such a sweet, fluffy creature was beyond my imagination. As soon as Valentina viewed our "garden" and house, she said we had the perfect place to house the kitten and she was satisfied that we would look after her.

We invited Valentina in and she told us more about her passionate voluntary work for looking after abandoned animals and relocating them. She has been doing this for many years. The local region used to fund this type of rehousing and after care, but then funds were abruptly stopped. Valentina and about 40 dedicated volunteers, decided to carry on their stirling work using their own initiative and their own funds. I don't think Abruzzo has an organization like the
RSPCA, so volunteers like Valentina and her colleagues are to be highly applauded for their selfless work in saving and protecting abandoned animals.
I would like to say a very big
thank you to Valentina from Samantha. Without you rescuing her in such a dramatic fashion, she wouldn't be here with us now. She is settling down very quickly and she is an extremely happy and adorable kitten. She has not yet made friends with the rest of our menagerie. Hopefully, all 11 will live together amicably.
For the time being, Samantha has taken to perching on the back of my chair while I am working on the computer. A real "laptop" cat!!
Our Little Bundle of Fun Being Weighed!
Kelly UpdateKelly has been undergoing treatment for the past 2 weeks and he is doing very well. I wrote about what happened in
True Hero. He is a very brave dog and has borne all his injections and administering of antibiotics with great calmness and patience. He is on the road to recovery, but he still needs extra care and attention for the forseeable future.