The Future of 2010
Where do I go from January 1st 2010? I don't really know. I will find out.
Will my life change overnight? I very much doubt it.
Will I continue to do my best in whatever I choose to do? Yes, absolutely!
Will I challenge myself enough? I hope so. Nobody else on this planet will do it for me.
Will I continue writing my blog? Yes, I very much want to. It has become an essential part of my life.
Will I strive to incorporate new e-tools wherever practicable? I hope so.
Will I finally unleash the demons preventing me from creating a Power Point Presentation? Yes, I really really want to!!
Taking the Powerpoint Plunge
Well, my goal of finally taking the plunge and creating my very first PowerPoint presentation has well and truly been achieved. I have created 10 Powerpoints this year and I plan to do many more in 2011. Having waited so long to use this tool, I feel there is a lot I want to learn. How to insert videos and other media into my presentations is a modest goal for the new year. Many thanks to Noel for sending me some great and inspirational videos.
A Year of "Flow"
Many wonderful things have happened in 2010 and it has been an action-packed year which I would never have imagined possible at this time last year. I would like to say a huge Thank You to every single person (and furkid), who has contributed to 2010 being one of the BEST ever in my whole life.
With the help of my amazing PLN I have:
- presented at the Reform Symposium
- presented at The 3rd Virtual Round Table
- presented at L'Aquila for Tesol Italy
- presented at Tesol-Italy's 35th National Convention in Rome
- been an e-moderator on the Learning Technologies Forum at IATEFL Harrogate Online
- written 3 Moodle book reviews for Packt Publishing
- written a book review for Zen and the Act of Teaching by David Deubel
- attended an EVO course on Images4Education
- woked for Macmillan as a proofreader / editor
- worked for the Consultants-E on an exciting "DM2" e-tutoring course
- taught on Teacher Refresher courses at the fantastic Lake School of English
- been interviewed by Marisa Constantinides for ELTChat podcast
- joined and contributed to Blog4Edu comments crew
- written guest posts for the following inspiring blogs: A Journey in TEFL, Teacher Reboot Camp, Teaching Village,(can you spot Joey in the lovely images' collage?) OUPELTGlobal, & Bits'n'Bobs/ Show and Tell.
- written my favourite blog post of the whole year- 1955:The Look of Love
- taken part in a few blog carnivals including this one
- enjoyed being with my family and friends in Oxford and Abruzzo
- been back to England on the back of the Aprilia Rally Raid Capo Nord
- had lots of fun with Samantha, the new furkid on the block
- written a personal book review of "R U Listenin'? by Terry Bianchini
- made loads of home made tomato sauces
- made loads of fig jam / peach jam / apple sauces
- have made loads of Tiramisu, courtesy of Chikita, Berry, Ken Cluckie, Filito, (& Norris & Nikita now sadly demised)
- tended to and helped pick lots of olive trees
- made lots of homemade birthday cards / special events cards and Christmas cards
- unpacked a few more boxes
- collected a few more owls!

The Future of 2011
So, what does 2011 have in store for me? Well, this time I do know a little bit about what is planned!

I am interested in the following courses:
Please do join me in experiencing the excitement of being a student again. It's a wonderful feeling!! I can guarantee you will learn a lot!!
February 2011
I am doing another workshop in L'Aquila for Tesol-Aquila Action Group on Wednesday February 2nd 2011. I am really looking forward to seeing all the amazing teachers again.
On February 5th I hope to be presenting at Connecting Online 2011. My wonderful mentor and former tutor on the Moodle for Teachers course Dr Nellie Deutsch has invited me to present online. It will be a great pleasure!!
In February I will be tutoring on another e-course on behalf of the Consultants-E.
April 2011
I will be presenting at IATEFL Brighton on April 17th. I can't wait to meet members of my fabulous PLN and fellow tweeters during that time.
I would like to brush up my very basic riding skills and do my CBT (Compulsory Basic Motorbike Training) again at Abbey Motorcycle Instructors.
I hope to teach on more Teacher Refresher courses for the Lake School of English.
An Open Year Book
The rest of the year is an open book, waiting to be filled. More book reviews are on the cards. Who knows, I might even get down to writing my own e-book. That would be really cool.
Finally, I hope to achieve the very important goal below:

Once again, many thanks to everyone I know who has helped me develop as a teacher and helped me to do my best.
In particular, I owe a lot to the amazing Shelly Terrell for encouraging me to venture into the thrilling world of online conferences and presentations. Without her constant support, I may not have given it a go.
I wish all my readers and fellow bloggers, tweeters, teachers, and students I have taught this year, a very Happy and successful New Year.
"Don't just dream it. Do it!"
Have fun, and may all your dreams come true!!

What a turnaround year, Janet!!
Wishing you all the best and great success in your 2011 plans...especially the Vespa one :-)
Hi Chris
Thank you so much for your kind wishes!! All the best for 2011 to you, too :)
Dear Janet,
congratulations on your fantastic accomplishments in 2010 and here's wishing that all your plans come true in 2011 and that your New Year is filled with love and joy.
All the best
Dear Arjana
Wishing you the best of luck for a fabulous 2011!! Let's hope we will meet face to face for the first time in the very near future!
Greetings from Abruzzo
Hi Janet,
What a busy year... and so varied olive picking and conference presentations!
I hope 2011 is even better. Wishing you and yours and the furkids a very healthy, and happy 2011.
Best wishes
I have a new furkid her name is CC and I found her outside a shop. She is poorly but happy to be part of the family. I hope!
Hi Leahn
I am sure CC will settle down very well with the rest of your furkids and they will make her feel welcome!
Have a wonderful 2011. I hope all your exciting plans and projects will be realised.
Enjoy the lovely weather in Fuerteventura, and say "Hola" to Gran Tarajal for me!
All the best
Happy new Year from me too, and thanks for the link.
By the way for someone who has no idea what they are going to do next your diary looks pretty full!
Thanks, Chris!
Looking forward to the results of your tricky End of Year Quiz!
Ps If you notice, the diary of plans seems to come to a bit of a halt in April :) After that, it's the open freeway for me again...
The backroom staff are trying to sort it out!!!
p.s. April!!! Blimey, i haven't worked out this week!
Wow, what a great year you have had! And what a great year you have in front of you! I do hope you buy that Vespa, I know you'll manage to do everything else.
I have become a great believer in going with the flow. Like you, I used to be a planner, but now I realise that the best things that happen to us are the things we haven't planned or expected.
I wish you and your furkids a great year. And do buy that Vespa!
Hi Natasa
Thank you so much for your encouraging and motivating words, which mean a lot to me.
Yes, the Vespa is a dream I have had for quite a while, but it's always a case of "bricks and mortar" to do up the house which has taken precedence over other things.
I will keep you posted on the Vespa Dream :)
I wish you all the very best for a wonderful 2011!
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