3rd Annual Pecha Kucha Event at Harrogate
Last night I got myself ready and with a glass of the lovely "Anima Petri" red wine to hand, (more on this exciting new Italian wine in a separate post), I settled down to watch the live streaming of the 3rd annual Pecha Kucha event from IATEFL 2010. I had registered myself on Livestream in order to be able to use the chat function, which I had not used before. It was incredible to see so many names of people I recognised from Twitter in the chat box and it was fun saying hi to a few of them. Lindsay Clandfield was the expert and entertaining MC.
The Love of Language
It was fantastic to see all the brave presenters do their slot and I enjoyed all of them. The title was "The Love of Language". They were all unique and brilliant in their particular fashion, and I urge you to watch the recorded version below. I liked Marisa Constantinides's PK which was full of lovely memories and her bravely singing a song briefly, and I enjoyed Karenne Sylvester's PK, which was a brilliant reading of a poem. She read it with great passion and it was a marvellous performance by Karenne. As I mentioned, all the PKers were fabulous so sit back, relax and enjoy the Pecha Kucha below!
A Multi-Faceted Conference
This conference is turning out to be an incredible experience for me, what with co-moderating the Learning Technologies Forum, popping into some of the other excellent Forums to read about Teacher Development, Learner Autonomy, Young Learners and many other topics, keeping up with tweets about IATEFL, and watching some of the many live interviews presented throughout the day. I missed the one with Shelly Terrell and it is embedded below. Shelly talks about using Voicethread, Glogster and Voki with young learners in the classroom and how she and Ozge Karaoglu have teamed up to do some collaborative work with their young pupils. It's excitng stuff!
Web 2.0 Tools that make a difference
This is one of the many videos that are available to be viewed from the IATEFL Online website. Russell Stannard below gives a talk on Web 2.0 tools that make a difference to teaching.
Roving Reporters
You can find out what has been happening in the sessions at IATEFL Harrogate Online by reading the information from Hanaa Khamis and Elena Oncevska, the 2 excellent "Roving Reporters" on their Session Reports blogs. They are doing a sterling job of keeping people updated with the presentations. The whole online experience has been run brilliantly by Julian and the British Council team. Harrogate Online is a very exciting place to visit if you cannot be there in person. A lot of people are meeting up for the "Final Tweet-up" tonight in Harrogate ( a meeting of people you know from Twitter), and I would so love to join in!! Maybe next year, I'll see if I can get to IATEFL Brighton 2011. I wonder if I would be brave enough to give a presentation myself??
Excellent blog posts on IATEFL Harrogate Online 2010 that I have enjoyed reading to date include:
Shaun Wilden's Blog - What I saw on Day 1
Anne Hodgson's Blog - Feed the Grammar Guru
Sunday April 11th is the final day of Harrogate IATEFL and the day will be action-packed with many fantastic speakers. The Final Plenary online session is at 12 o'clock, given by Jan Blake, one of Europe's leading storytellers. Don't miss it!
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