Saturday, 26 June 2010

Sofia - A Mention in Early EFL Blog!

Sofia has had a mention in Early EFL Blog by Leahn Stanhope!

Unfortunately, I and Sofia had a bit of a relationship "issue" the other evening, and she openly disobeyed me. I know she respects me, but on this occasion, there was something that she just could not let go of. She had a very simple choice: ignore me and eat something rather yucky (in my view), or listen to me and abandon the lump of desirable extra food (in her view), foraged from the jungle area. Hence the problem that arose.

Please read the following excellent posts which deal with a very interesting analogy. Leahn is teaching in Fuerteventura, in the Canary Islands. Her blog is always full of useful lesson ideas and thoughts about teaching. I like it very much.

Commanding Respect
How to get Children and Dogs to Respect You


About said...

You are too kind! I've just managed to get half of a rotten chicken off Joe. There was nothing calm and assertive about it!

Thanks J and Sofia


Janet Bianchini said...

I really don't understand the fascination for food that is way past its prime, when it comes to dogs. They seem to be able to stomach anything!

My cat's called Joe - what a coincidence!