Friday 18 February 2011

Homage to Nicaragua

I wrote this poem as a result of my amazing trip to Nicaragua in 1996. My sister Giulietta was working there for Oxfam. Until today, this poem was hidden in a box, in the confines of an attic. Now it has been found, and I immediately knew I had to transform it into a Bookr.

When I wrote the poem in 1996, I had no idea about web 2.0 tools and it was written down on a simple bit of paper, which I kept and then lost. I am not a poet, but Nicaragua got to my soul. I will never forget the power it had over me. Below is my homage to this proud and remarkable country. I used each letter of the country to spell out my feelings. I hope you like it.


popps said...

It could be me, technofool that i am, but i can't find the poem.

Even with disactivated pop-up control.

Janet Bianchini said...

Aha!! Could it be that I've called it a poem, but in fact it's simply a collection of sentences?

Hopefully, if you click and drag the bottom right on the "Bookr" page, you should be able to read each page?
Here is the link to "Homage to NIcaragua" again:

Hope this works!!